Art Matters (Maitland) – Years 5 and 6

Locality: Maitland
Region: Regional North
Years 5 and 6
Event Application Workshop Visual arts



Maitland Regional Art Gallery

230 High St
Maitland NSW 2320

Open Map
  • Parents and teachers are invited from 4 pm on Wednesday to view exhibition of student work.
  • Cost: $60 per student
  • Artist facilitator: Pat Mavety
  • Medium: Landscape drawing and painting
  • Gallery exhibition: Barely Glimpsed


Related programs

Apply for this workshop

Acceptance process

  1. Students are required to complete this form to register their position in the Art Matters program
  2. Ensure you check the information you submit carefully, especially your email address as this is our main form of communication with you. 
  3. Ensure parent permission is indicated for student information to be published.
  4. Once you have completed this online acceptance form, you will receive an email confirming your acceptance with a detailed information booklet. Enrolment limitations apply to multiple students from a single school.

Payment for Art Matters will be made to the student's school on receipt of student acceptance to the camp.  Schools will be automatically debited for student participation in Art Matters via SAP journal entry leading up to the camp dates.

Privacy notice

The information requested in this note is being collected by the NSW Department of Education. The department will use the information in connection with your student's participation in this event for the following purposes:

  1. administration;
  2. communication with parents/carers; and
  3. for the health, safety and welfare of your student.

The department might share the information requested in this note with health care providers in the event that your student requires urgent medical attention. All personal information will be held securely and disposed of securely when no longer needed.

You have the right to access and correct the information you provide in this note. If you wish to do so, please contact The Arts Unit on 02 8512 1100 Locked Bag 1500, Petersham NSW 2049 

Specific privacy information

The department will use information about your student's

  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status for the purpose of implementing its Aboriginal Education Policy.
  • Identified additional support information to ensure appropriate learning adjustments are in place.

The provision of Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander status or gender status is voluntary, and not providing either of them will not impact on your student's participation. All other additional support information requested in this form is voluntary.

Important information

In the event of injury, no personal injury insurance cover is provided by the NSW Department of Education for students in relation to school sporting activities, physical education lessons or any other school activity. The department’s public liability cover is fault-based and limited to breaches by the department of its duty of care to students that may result in claims for compensation.

Parents/carers are advised to assess the level and extent of their child’s involvement in the activity when deciding whether additional insurance cover is required prior to their child’s involvement in the program. Personal accident insurance cover is available through normal retail insurance outlets.

Student details
Student gender

Student background information

Is the student of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Does the student identify as a person with disability?
Is a language other than English spoken at home?
Classroom teacher/visual arts teacher details
Classroom teacher/visual arts teacher details
Parent/caregiver details
Emergency contact details
Emergency contact

Student medical information

Please indicate any medical conditions the student experiences.
If the student has a medical action plan for any reason please supply this plan by uploading or via email to
One file only.
16 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, html, pdf, doc, docx, zip.
If nil, please type N/A.
Students participating in The Arts Unit activities who have allergies or anaphylaxis are expected to provide an Allergy action plan or an Anaphylaxis action plan.

If required, please download an Allergy action plan or an Anaphylaxis action plan.
One file only.
16 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Sudents participating in The Arts Unit activities are expected to provide any medications clearly labelled in a zip lock bag with their completed Administering medication form.

If required, please download an Administering prescribed medication form (DOCX 77.64 KB)
One file only.
16 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.

Disability support information

Are there any special circumstances about the student that the program coordinator should know prior to enrolment?
Additional learning and support needs, including disability
For example, speaking and/or listening
For example, hygiene, mealtimes and/or health care needs social support to engage safely with others
Please indicate any conditions the student experiences
Is there a documented plan to support the student’s additional learning needs at school?
Please upload the student's plan to support additional learning needs, or email [email address linked].
One file only.
16 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.

Student acceptance

  • I understand that all students participating in The Arts Unit activities are expected to abide by the Behaviour code for students.
  • I have notified my visual arts teacher or equivalent that I am applying for this camp

Parent permissions and agreements

I agree to my child/guardian’s attendance and to their taking part in any activities/outings arranged for the student in connection with the camp. I authorise staff to obtain medical assistance which they deem necessary should an accident occur.
In the event that my child fails to abide by the Behaviour code for students I understand that I will be notified and that they will be required to be collected or sent home at my expense.

Authority to film and record

Responsible school or business unit and contact person

The filming/recording will be arranged by: The Department of Education, The Arts Unit

Contact person (Hawkesbury, Penrith: Lily Ferres
Contact person (Gosford, Maitland): Heather Ross
Contact person (Coffs Harbour): Sarah Armour

Production company

The filming/recording will be done by: internally by NSW Department of Education ('department')


Project described as above.


Referred to in this document as 'footage'.

  • Video (including audio)
  • Still photography
  • Audio only recording

Filming/recording start and end date

As per project date unless otherwise described.

Filming location

As per project location unless otherwise described.

What the footage will be used for

The footage will be used to promote the workshop or program and encourage support and participation in the workshop or program.

Publication media

In connection with the Project the footage may be used by the department in the following:

  • on departmental and school websites in school newsletters
  • in publicity materials published by the department
  • on the department’s social media accounts
  • in print digital and online newspapers and magazines
  • television
  • other.

What will be filmed or recorded

Performances, rehearsals, workshops, interviews, competitions, festivals in relation to the Project.

How the filming or recording will occur

Up to three cameras would be used, with external lighting and audio recording equipment.

Storage and access

Raw footage will be stored on NSW Department of Education servers, accessible by The Arts Unit staff. After editing, the finished or produced media will be published on the Department of Education's social media channels and websites and accessible to the public. Footage may also be shared and accessed by media outlets.

How long can the footage be used for?

The footage will be available until the department considers it no longer fit for purpose.
The footage online may be cached on web browsers, and archived copies may appear after the department ceases to post it.



Not applicable.

Acknowledgements and consents

Filming/recording: I consent to the department filming me and recording my voice, performances, poses, and actions in connection with the project described above.
Re-records: if any re-recording or voice-overs are needed, I agree to make myself available to assist.
Use: I consent to the department using the footage of me for the Project described above, (including to promote the Project.
Video editing: I understand that the department may edit any video it records, including combining it with other video and audio and adding text or music for the project
I waive any right to inspect or approve any use of the footage before it is used.
Copyright: I acknowledge and agree that all rights in and to any content captured as a part of the project, including the copyright, are and shall remain the sole property of the department and I waive any moral rights under the Copyright Act 1968 in the video and audio.
Voluntary: I understand that participation in the filming and recording is voluntary and I will not be remunerated.
Online reposts: if the footage is posted by the department on the internet the department cannot prevent third parties from posting links.
Interpretation: references in this Acknowledgment to 'me' and 'I' are references to the person recorded in the 'student details' section of this form.

I certify and represent that I have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect; and (please select one of the following):

Authority to Film and Record

Please note that participation in the program is not dependent on granting permission to publish (talent release).

Please sign above.