In Concert – application form

Applications close Friday 14 February 2025

2025 performance date

  • Monday 18 August


  • Sydney Opera House


Preliminary rehearsals at the Salvation Army Congress Hall - mandatory (metropolitan schools only).

  • Term 2 – Monday 5 May or Tuesday 6 May
  • Term 3 – Tuesday 5 August or Wednesday 6 August

Cluster rehearsals  mandatory (non-metropolitan schools only).

  • Local cluster rehearsals will be arranged in Term 1 for non-metropolitan schools. Dates will be negotiated with Jacqueline Shaw early 2025.

Professional learning and resources

  • At least one teacher from each participating school must attend the In Concert - teachers’ professional development workshop which will be presented on Monday 3 March 2025 from 9.30 am - 3 pm at the Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School.
  • Teachers will be provided with digital copies of the repertoire which they will need to print for their students.


  • Participation fee of $40.00 per student will be payable in April.
  • A rural and remote subsidy of 25% will be offered to all students attending from rural and remote schools as identified by the department.


Jacqueline Shaw
Music Projects Officer, The Arts Unit

Privacy notice

The information requested in this note is being collected by the NSW Department of Education. The department will use the information in connection with your student's participation in this event for the following purposes:

  1. administration;
  2. communication with parents/carers; and
  3. for the health, safety and welfare of your student.

The department might share the information requested in this note with health care providers in the event that your student requires urgent medical attention. All personal information will be held securely and disposed of securely when no longer needed.

You have the right to access and correct the information you provide in this note. If you wish to do so, please contact The Arts Unit on 02 8512 1100 Locked Bag 1500, Petersham NSW 2049 

Specific privacy information

The department will use information about your student's

  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status for the purpose of implementing its Aboriginal Education Policy.
  • Identified additional support information to ensure appropriate learning adjustments are in place.

The provision of Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander status or gender status is voluntary, and not providing either of them will not impact on your student's participation. All other additional support information requested in this form is voluntary.

Important information

In the event of injury, no personal injury insurance cover is provided by the NSW Department of Education for students in relation to school sporting activities, physical education lessons or any other school activity. The department’s public liability cover is fault-based and limited to breaches by the department of its duty of care to students that may result in claims for compensation.

Parents/carers are advised to assess the level and extent of their child’s involvement in the activity when deciding whether additional insurance cover is required prior to their child’s involvement in the program. Personal accident insurance cover is available through normal retail insurance outlets.


Please note: at this stage you are giving your ideal numbers.

2025 is slightly different in that it will only be ONE concert and at the Sydney Opera House meaning there will be limited numbers. Decisions will have to be made about how many students each school can bring: especially Soprano and Altos. 

You will be told of your successful numbers and allocations on Friday 28 February 2025.