Choralfest Newcastle

Region: Regional North | Newcastle / Lake Macquarie
Kindergarten to Year 12
Local arts program Music
Tags: Choral music

Choralfest celebrates singing through primary and secondary public school vocal ensembles and is for the enjoyment and enrichment of all school ages. Ensembles are adjudicated by a music professional in a purpose build arts venue.

The festival provides a great opportunity for choristers to showcase their developing skills, observe other performances, and receive constructive feedback from recognised musical experts. Choralfest aims to provide a learning experience for singers from Kindergarten to Year 12 through listening and performance, in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

Applications are now open!

2025 dates

  • Monday 5 May to Wednesday 7 May (Term 2 Week 2)
  • 8:20 am - 4:00 pm each day

How to apply

Support documents


Choralfest 2022


Heather Ross
Arts Coordination Officer
0448 556 818
Chris Blake
Warners Bay Theatre

Lake St
Warners Bay NSW 2282

Open Map

All Arts Units programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in Choralfest Newcastle, please email so we can assist.