Far North Coast Senior Dance Ensemble

Region: Rural North | Kingscliff
Years 8 to 12
Local arts program Dance
Tags: High potential and gifted (HPGE)

The Far North Coast Senior Dance Ensemble is for talented dance students from NSW public schools in Year 8 to Year 12. 

This ensemble is aimed at high potential dance students who display a high level of technical skill and performance quality and wish be involved in the choreographic process to create, learn and perform a dance work at the Far North Coast Dance Festival.

Successful applicants will be working collaboratively with Anouska Gammon to create a contemporary dance work. Anouska Gammon is an active choreographer for NSW State Dance Ensembles and festivals, and a lecturer in Creative and Performing Arts in Education at Southern Cross University.

2025 applications

Applications for Far North Coast Senior Dance Ensemble are now open and will close on Friday 28 February 2025.

Further enquiries relating to the FNC Senior Dance Ensemble should be directed to karen.levi@det.nsw.edu.au


Far North Coast Senior Dance Ensemble is open to talented and passionate dancers in Years 8 to 12. Membership is by audition only and is open to students attending NSW public schools living across the Far North Coast. Boys are strongly encouraged to apply.

Students must have the endorsement of their principal to apply.


Students must upload a video audition showing the student performing a 1 minute solo within their chosen dance style to particularly highlight their technical skills and performance quality.

Further instructions are available within the application form and also available in our Audition tips for dance resource.

Membership fee

The student membership fee of $200 covers expert tuition, rehearsals and costumes. Upon acceptance, the fee is to be paid to the student's local school office. 

Schools are asked to contribute a $40 levy per student. 

Workshop rehearsals

Senior Dance Ensemble will rehearse at Kingscliff High School on the following dates:

Term 1 Week 9: Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 March 2025

Term 2 Week 2: Monday 5 May 2025

Performance commitments

The ensemble will perform at the Far North Coast Dance Festival from Tuesday 3 to Thursday 5 June 2025. 

Senior Ensemble will be required between 9 am and 12:00 pm on performance day.

This ensemble will also audition to perform at State Dance Festival. It is expected that students who apply for Far North Coast Dance Ensembles will ensure they are available to attend State Dance Festival should the ensemble be accepted. State Dance Festival will be held at the Seymour Centre from Monday 15 to Friday 19 September 2025.


Karen Levi
Festival Coordinator
02 6674 9777
Sarah Armour
Arts Coordination Officer
Rural North
0429 965 197
Kingscliff High School

33 Oxford St
Kingscliff NSW 2487

Open Map



High school students dancing

All Arts Unit programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in the Far North Coast Senior Dance Ensemble, please email farnorthcoastdancefestival@det.nsw.edu.au so that we can assist.