New England Junior Drama Workshops

Region: Rural North | TBA
Year 7 to 10
Local arts program Drama

Intensive practical drama workshops providing junior secondary students with the opportunity to explore, develop and refine their skills in specific drama styles and techniques.

All students will complete each workshop with experienced drama teachers Michelle Gosper and Jennie Rohr, focusing on clowning, stage fighting, circus and physical theatre.

2024 dates

  • Tuesday 21 May 2024 (Term 2 Week 4)
  • 9:30 am – 2:30 pm


  • TBC
  • Students will be required to bring their own food and drink for the workshop day.


  • $25 per student
  • Student payments are to be collected by the school, then this will be journalled after the workshops. 

How to apply

Registrations have been put on hold and will re-open soon.


Heather Ross
Arts Coordination Officer
0448 556 818
Armidale Secondary College

182 Butler Street
Armidale NSW 2350

Open Map


students involved in a drama workshop

All Arts Unit programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in the New England Junior Drama Workshops, please email so that we can assist.