Wollongong Schools' Choral Festival
The Wollongong Schools' Choral Festival showcases choral groups from public schools as far north as Stanwell Park and far south as Warilla. The aim of the festival is to provide choral groups with an inclusive and encouraging environment to perform choral repertoire.
The Festival aims to showcase the outcomes of music education in the Wollongong area and to encourage excellence in these programs by:
- encouraging the development and teaching of choral programs at a school level
- providing an opportunity for the school and wider community to recognise choral singing as an art form
- providing a positive and memorable choral experience for both teachers and students at the Wollongong Town Hall.
Crown St
Wollongong NSW 2500
Festival dates and location
Date: Weekdays, Thursday 31 July to Thursday 7 August 2025 (Term 3 Week 2 and 3)
Location: Wollongong Town Hall
Start time: 7:00 pm each evening
For full festival details check out the WSCF teacher information site.
How to apply
Nominations are now open and close Wednesday 12 February 2025 (Term 1 Week 3)
To apply please complete the WSCF application form.
If you encounter a 'You need permission' message, please ensure that you are logged into your Google account, using your @education.nsw.gov.au email and department account password.
School choirs of students from Years 3 to 6 are invited to participate in the massed choir in this wonderful event. Participating schools will be required to perform 9 songs as part of the massed choir and may perform an individual school item/s with a maximum of 5 to 6 minutes on their performance night.
A $10 participation fee is payable per student to support costs associated with the festival.