Junior and Senior State Music Camps
Residential camps celebrate all forms of music making and provide unique extension experiences for students studying music.
High potential and gifted music students join together each year to receive expert tutelage and develop their music performance skills. During the week, students rehearse and perform a range of engaging and high-quality repertoire, culminating in a concert for families on the final night of the camp.
Applications for 2025 will open soon. For further enquiries, please email music.artsunit@det.nsw.edu.au.
2025 camps
- Senior State Music Camp (Years 8 to 12) – 29 June to 4 July (Term 2 Week 10)
- Junior State Music Camp (Years 5 to 8) – 20 July to 25 July (Term 3 Week 1)
Musical activities at camp include participation in a major ensemble (symphony orchestra, symphonic bands, vocal ensembles, stage band) as well as a number of elective ensembles and activities.
Elective activities include brass and woodwind ensembles, jazz improvisation, composition, music theatre, percussion ensemble.
Read more about the music camp experience (PDF 1.03 MB).
Sydney Academy of Sport, Wakehurst Parkway, Narrabeen. (Office of Communities, Sport and Recreation)
Professional learning opportunities
Applications for State Music Camps 2025 will open soon.
Primary and secondary school staff, peripatetic music staff and tertiary music students are invited to apply to participate in the State Music Camps. Staff may apply to participate as conductors of major ensembles, as ensemble managers or as tutors.
All intending staff nominees should be aware that State Music Camps are residential activities and staff are required to be present at all times to assist with the operation of the camp. All staff are required to have completed Department of Education manditory training and have a WWCC prior to the camp.
Read more about the staff role descriptions (2023) (DOCX 74.48KB).