Premier's Debating Challenge for Years 9 and 10

Years 9 and 10

A state-wide competition with zone winners progressing to regional and state-wide knockouts to determine the state champion.

Junior debating team

Latest news

The Years 9 and 10 competition is into the state-wide knockout finals phase! The teams who won their zone are competing against each other in a series of sudden-death finals which will continue until only 2 teams are left standing to face off in the state final. Best of luck to all the finalists, and just a reminder that teams involved in the competition need to be familiar  with the 2024 Premier's Debating Challenge for Years 9 and 10 information guide (PDF 1.65 MB). In addition you can check out all the teams and how they fared in the zone debates here.

About the competition

This competition began in 1950 with the donation of a trophy by Charles and Fred Teasdale for an annual debating competition at intermediate level between high schools on the north shore. Over the years, it has expanded into a state-wide competition for all government schools.

Format of the competition

Teams will be organised into zones of 6 (occasionally fewer depending on entries) and will receive their draw before the start of Term 2. Each team will complete 3 debates against other teams from their zone whenever suits them before mid-Term 3. Once those 3 rounds are completed, the team(s) with the best record will be declared the zone champions and will compete in a knockout finals series to determine the state champion. The state final will be held in November.

The 2024 Premier's Debating Challenge Years 9 and 10 Final is proudly supported by Holding Redlich and ACCO Brands Australia.

All Arts Unit programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in the Premier's Debating Challenge for Years 9 and 10, please email so that we can assist.