Boys Hip Hop Dance workshops promo

Duration: 1:34

This workshop is designed for male students with an interest in or passion for the Hip Hop/B-Boy dance style. The workshops are open to all boys from Year 5 to Year 12 who attend a NSW Public School.

This workshop aims to foster the development of dance skills for both experienced and inexperienced dancer. This highly motivational program also aims to extend boys skills and encourage their involvement in dance.

Transcript – Boys Hip Hop Dance workshops promo

[swoosh sound]

CATHERINE GILHOLME: The Hip Hop Dance program is a highly motivational program for students in years 5 to 12 who have an interest in this style of dance.

The boys hip hop program is open to boys from years 5 – 12 who attend a New South Wales Public School. Teachers can apply to bring along groups of students or individual students who are interested in this style.

Catering for both experienced and beginners, students will be led through a series of skills based activities and routines that they can take back to school and rehearse and perform. Teachers attending the workshop can attribute 4 hours of Teacher Identified Professional Learning for standards 1.3, 1.5 and 6.3.

Following the workshop, identified students will be given the opportunity to apply for the New South Wales Public Schools Urban Dance Crew. For more information about the Urban Dance Crew see our website.

Boys Hip Hop workshops run in term 1 and term 2. Schools interested in hosting a workshop can contact the Arts Initiatives team.

Auditions for the Urban Dance Crew and Schools Spectacular are held in Term 2. Check the Schools Spectacular website for details.

For more information about how to apply for these workshops, go to the Arts Unit website Dance Program – Hip Hop workshop page. Applications open early Term 1 so book now to secure your place.

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