Video transcript
CApture 2024 – 03. More Than a Memory – Winmalee High School
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[dramatic piano music playing]
TULLY: Do you ever think of that little girl? The one who loved to dress up as a fairy.
TULLY (CHILD): Bella, and I love fairies.
TULLY: Or do gymnastics?
I keep her hidden away at the top of my wardrobe in a memory box. But is that all she is now-- a memory?
MOTHER: Surely better. Mwah, mwah, mwah.
TULLY (BABY): [groans]
TULLY: She had so many toys that she made up stories with and made artworks that when I look at now I can't recognise but I know back then had so much meaning.
And sometimes I get a little bit sad when I realise that I can't read the words that she's written anymore; that I'm not able to understand them, because everything in this box kind of acts like a reflection of who I was. But now, it feels like there's a divide between us, like I don't know her anymore.
MOTHER: What did you think, baby girl? Was it fun?
TULLY: Because my life right now kind of feels like--
[percussive music playing]
[printer whirrs]
[bell rings]
[printer whirrs]
[bell rings]
Which is nothing like what it used to be.
[gentle piano music playing]
I'm not sure where that little girl is anymore.
I can't find her most of the time.
Maybe I got too embarrassed and shut her up in a box somewhere.
But I don't want to be embarrassed by her anymore.
I don't want to tear her up or push her away.
I need to accept her because she is what makes me who I am.
I want to see the world through her eyes.
Because she is more than a memory.
End of transcript