Video transcript
CApture 2024 – 05. Flint and Foil – Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt Campus

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[mobile phone text sounds]

[upbeat music playing]

[doorbell chimes]

[Flint whines]

ZEPHYR: Hi, Arlo.

ARLO: Hi, Zeph.

ZEPHYR: Bye, Flint. No, come on. Stay.

[Flint whimpers]

Come, Flint. Inside. Inside, come on. Good boy. Stay. Stay. Bye, Flint.

[door closes]

[Flint whimpers]

[Flint panting]

[clock ticking]

FOIL: No, no, no.

[alfoil crackling]

Ah. Oh, no, no, no.

[alfoil crackling]

Oh, please, no.

[alfoil crackling]

[Flint growls]

Are you chasing?

[Flint growls]


[Flint panting]


[alfoil crackling, Flint panting]


[Flint panting]


[Flint whining, barking]

Shoo dog, shoo. Go away.

[Flint barking]

[alfoil crackling, heart thumping]

Hello. Ooh. What do we have there? Some treats? Good boy. Good boy. Oh, you like that. Let me get you another one.

[Flint groans contentedly]

All right, here's the deal. If I give you these, then you've got to take me outside. Deal? Good. Now take me outside. I knew I could count on you. But keep walking.

[Flint panting]

Almost there. Come on.


Ow. Oh, that's OK.

[alfoil crackling]


[Flint whimpering, birds twittering]

[Flint whimpering loudly]

[upbeat music playing]

Ah jeez! Phew. Aah! Ah! No way. Oh.

[alfoil crackling]

Oh. Oh, Flinty.

[alfoil crackling]

[doorbell chimes]

[Flint barking]

[Flint whimpering excitedly]

[alfoil crackling]

[Flint whining excitedly]

[alfoil crackling]

[xylophone trills]


[Flint snoring]

[xylophone trills]


[Flint's snoring continues]

End of transcript