Video transcript
CApture 2024 – 07. Finding Home – Cherrybrook Technology High School
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[bucket squeaking and scraping]
COLE: Hi. So, umm-- I've actually just finished up for today. Umm, so--
BOSS: That's correct. Thank you.
COLE: I actually was going to ask while you're here. Umm-- I'm just not in a good position right now, and I was wondering if I can get an advance on my pay this month. I just-- I'm struggling.
BOSS: Right. Well, I'm sorry to hear that, and (echoing quieter) we really do care about our employees, but that isn't the sort of thing that we can afford to do at the moment, and I'll pay you only what you've worked. I've got 17 employees that work for me, Cole. I can't give you special treatment.
COLE: OK. Thanks.
[high-pitched tone]
[background radio music playing]
COLE: What?
GEORGIA: Come on, Cole. Put it back.
[wistful music playing]
COLE: Remember that day in this park?
[duck quacking]
COLE: I wish it could stay like that forever.
GEORGIA: Me too.
[wistful music continues]
COLE: Do you have to go?
GEORGIA: Cole, I'm not real.
[wistful music continues]
End of transcript