Video transcript
CApture 2024 – 09. Our Feature Presentation Circa 2100 – Canley Vale High School
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[projector whirring]
[newsreel music playing]
NARRATOR: At the dawn of the 22nd century, the advancements of humankind are marked by our gifted students, students who pride themselves on their perfection.
JANE: Hello there. I'm Jane. I'm a high school student, and my specialty subject is maths.
JOHN: I'm John. I'm a high school student. My specialty subject is English.
JUDY: Physics.
JEROME: Lunch.
NARRATOR: An equal community is a happy one. However, there are those who compromise this.
LARRY: Hey, I'm Larry. I guess I'm a student here, too. I don't really have a favourite subject.
[music - Beethoven, 'Symphony No 9 II Molto vivace']
NARRATOR: Larry, a rebellious student, now needs to be modified and fixed. And oh, he'll be fixed in the most righteous way possible.
[music intensifies]
[music - Jacques Offenback, 'Can Can']
LARRY: I'm begging you. Please. I'm just-- I'm just like everyone else. Don't do this to me.
[newsreel music playing]
JANE: Hello there. I'm Jane.
JOHN: Hello there. I'm John.
LARRY: Hello there. I'm Larry. Welcome to the 22nd century.
[newsreel music continues]
[music - Beethoven, 'Symphony No 9 II Molto vivace']
End of transcript