Video transcript
CApture 2024 – 14. Wildflower – Chatswood High School
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[clock ticking]
[wistful music playing]
[swing creaking]
[cicadas buzzing]
[music tempo increases]
[outdoor sounds]
[traffic sounds]
[mellow music playing]
[clock ticking]
[birds chirping]
[music tempo increases]
[swing squeaking]
LUCAS: [laughs] Whoa.
Does this make sense?
LUCAS: Nice.
[gentle music playing]
[clock ticking]
SOPHIE: I mean, yeah, I'm moving to London in, like, 2 weeks.
LUCAS: You're just telling me this now? Don't even talk to me. Just go.
[birds chirping]
[clock ticking]
[wistful music playing]
[birds chirping]
[stick snapping]
[kookaburras laughing]
[clock ticking]
[wistful music continues]
[cars driving]
[cicadas buzzing]
[cicadas buzzing]
[cicadas buzzing]
[clock ticking]
[gentle music playing]
End of transcript