Video transcript
CApture 2024 – Student interview – 02. More Than a Memory
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[intro music]
[uplifting music playing]
TULLY: Really, I just wanted to capture in a digital age just childhood on film because I have so many old photos of myself as a child, and I wanted to compile them all together in a way where it's easy to access and I can just watch myself grow up, really, just all in one place.
DAVID TODD: And how long did it take you to compile all that archive that you used in the film?
TULLY: A long time. I spent at least-- 'cause some of the images were physical, so still in photo albums, so that was scanning them online, transferring them over. I have a Google Doc going, I have a Google Drive folder going, and then I have a running notebook that I'm writing in and editing and writing stuff down, scribbling out, and just many places where I'm documenting what is all happening.
In a digital age, again, just, it's the new form of storytelling. Storytelling has changed so much over generations, and it's the modern form. It's the new-- it's what humanity is using at the moment, and I want to be a part of that. I want to be able to create things that people are going to want to see and be engaged by.
[uplifting music playing]
I like getting it just exactly how I want it and being able to think of something in my head and then see it physically in front of me. That's a really good feeling.
[uplifting music playing]
End of transcript