Connections Showcase 2023

Corrimal East Public School – Voice for Generations

Corrimal East Public School is located in northern Wollongong on traditional Dharawal land.

Students from Corrimal East Public School’s Years 3 to 6 Autism Support Unit Class worked in collaboration with their Aboriginal Education Officer and Northern Illawarra Aboriginal Education Consultative Group to create an artwork that represents being a 'voice for generations'.

Using symbols approved by the Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation, they tell the story of animals that live both on Country and in waterways.

Corrimal East Public School logo

Voice for Generations

Voice for Generations – refer to the long text description that follows.


Voice for Generations – long text description

Voice for Generations is a large square painting in Aboriginal dot style. Eight hands of various skin colours reach out from the centre circle of red and yellow dots arranged in a spiral. Lines of green and blue dots in varying shades separate each hand and extend from the centre circle to the edge. Various sea and land animals painted in white are grouped in sections around the edge against a background of green and blue dots in varying shades.

In a clockwise direction starting from the top of the painting, the sea and land animals are as follows:

  • various types of shells
  • 3 jellyfish
  • 1 snake
  • 2 turtles
  • 2 shark eggs
  • 2 crabs
  • 2 axolotls
  • 8 fish.

What did the students and teachers have to say?

  • 'This was a great opportunity for our students to learn about local Aboriginal symbols whilst creating a collaborative artwork.' –  Sonia Milgate (teacher)
  • 'It is touching to have the handprints of all staff and students displayed in connection with each other on our artwork.' – Donna Henry (SLSO)
  • 'My favourite animal is a turtle because it lives on both the sea and the land.' –  Luca (student)
  • 'I liked looking at all the Aboriginal symbols and choosing my favourite animal.' –  Adam (student)

Participating students


Congratulations to the following students from Years 3 to 6 of Corrimal East Public School for their wonderful submissions:

Adam Maurice, Ahmad El Hamad, Lacey Petersen, Luca Madrid, and Yonal Perera.​​​​​

Third-party content attributions

  • All student artworks and images courtesy of the respective schools, student artworks © the student artists, 2023, reproduced and communicated with permission.
  • Congratulations banner, created using Canva, 2021.