Connections Showcase 2023

McCallums Hill Public School – Textured Places


McCallums Hill Public School is located in Roselands, south-west Sydney, on traditional Bidjigal land.

McCallums Hill Public School logo


In geography class this term, students at McCallums Hill Public School explored places and the elements that make them different or similar. They used fine-motor techniques to create various textured landscapes that replicate different features of the environment. Due to the techniques used, this body of work has been titled Textured Places.

These artworks were also included in the ‘Connections Showcase Submission Exhibition’ at McCallums Hill Public School, where students, teachers and parents were invited to view and celebrate the 4 bodies of work submitted by the school in this year’s digital showcase.

A boy makes a landscape collage. He glues brown paper shapes decorated with green lines on a painted blue canvas.

What did the teachers have to say?

‘The students worked very hard using different techniques and equipment to create textured works that explore the elements of the country and the city.’ – Mrs Ristovski (teacher)

Participating students


Congratulations to the following students from Years K to 6 at McCallums Hill Public School for their wonderful submissions:

Francis Samia, Leyla-Rose Awadalla and Jeremaih Ambarita.

Third-party content attributions

  • All student artworks and images courtesy of the respective schools, student artworks © the student artists, 2023, reproduced and communicated with permission.
  • Congratulations banner, created using Canva, 2021.