Choral singing tips Music With Ian Jefferson Art Bites Music Tags: Choral music The fundamentals of choral singing, conducting and performing. Image Vowels Video Ian Jefferson from The Arts Unit leads this at-home tutorial for students with a focus on exercises to sing vowels. Vowels × Duration: 6:02 Ian Jefferson from The Arts Unit leads this at-home tutorial for students with a focus on exercises to sing vowels. Video transcript – Vowels Exceptions, the schwa and diphthongs Video Tutorial focusing on variations of pure vowels, the use of the schwa and a look at diphthongs. Exceptions, the schwa and diphthongs × Duration: 12:28 Tutorial focusing on variations of pure vowels, the use of the schwa and a look at diphthongs. Video transcript – Exceptions, the schwa and diphthongs Marking up a score Video Ian Jefferson from The Arts Unit leads this at-home tutorial for students with a focus on how to mark up the sheet music of a choral piece. Marking up a score × Duration: 17:32 Ian Jefferson from The Arts Unit leads this at-home tutorial for students with a focus on how to mark up the sheet music of a choral piece. Video transcript – Marking up a score Arranging a song Video Ian discusses his approach to arranging a piece of choral music for treble voices. Arranging a song × Duration: 19:49 Ian discusses his approach to arranging a piece of choral music for treble voices. Video transcript – Arranging a song Orchestrating a song Video Adventures in orchestrating a well-known Australian song. Orchestrating a song × Duration: 18:33 Adventures in orchestrating a well-known Australian song. Advance Australia Fair – closing ceremony (PDF 873.17 KB) Video transcript – Orchestrating a song Note bashing – part 1 Video Teaching the notes and rhythms of a pop-rock folk song. Note bashing – part 1 × Duration: 16:06 Teaching the notes and rhythms of a pop-rock folk song. Video transcript – Note bashing – part 1 Basic arm waving Video Conducting patterns in various time signatures for beginners. Basic arm waving × Duration: 12:49 Conducting patterns in various time signatures for beginners. Video transcript – Basic arm waving Ahead of The Grand Old Duke Video Keeping ahead of your primary choir when conducting a nursery rhyme. Ahead of The Grand Old Duke × Duration: 14:20 Keeping ahead of your primary choir when conducting a nursery rhyme. Video transcript – Ahead of The Grand Old Duke Trust your ears Video Take away the bad sounds and be left with the nice sounds. Trust your ears × Duration: 13:54 Take away the bad sounds and be left with the nice sounds. Video transcript – Trust your ears Note bashing – part 2 Video Teaching the notes and rhythms of another folk song. Note bashing – part 2 × Duration: 15:09 Teaching the notes and rhythms of another folk song. Video transcript – Note bashing – part 2 Back to start Share this page Copy page URL Share Tweet Microsoft Teams