Contact us

Please select the Arts Unit area your enquiry is related to.

The Arts Unit

Corner Toothill St and The Boulevarde, Lewisham NSW 2049
Locked Bag 1500, Petersham NSW 2049

General enquiries: 02 8512 1100

Management and administration

Andrew Lasaitis | Arts Programs and Partnerships Coordinator | 02 8512 1117
Richard Spiewak | Manager, Arts Unit Operations and Administration | 02 8512 1191
Jenny Beachum | Arts Strategy and Programs Coordinator | 0408 967 712
Simon Kermode | Student Access and Engagement Advisor | 0448 529 847
Nick Cowell | Teacher and Student Resources Assistant | 02 8512 1110


Joanne King | Dance Performance Officer | 02 8512 1179
Ashley Napoleoni | Arts Initiatives and Events Officer | The Arts Unit Student Support and Specialist Programs | 02 8512 1190


Literature and language arts

Tony Davey | Debating and Public Speaking Support Officer | 02 8512 1171
Desiree Lane | Premier’s Spelling Bee Support Officer | 02 8512 1173
Jade Arnold | NSW Premier’s Programs Officer, Reading and Spelling | 02 8512 1169
Kelsey Rodgers | Premier’s Reading Challenge Support Officer | 02 8512 1167

Events and Arts Initiatives

Ashley Napoleoni | Arts Initiatives and Events Officer | The Arts Unit Student Support and Specialist Programs | 02 8512 1190
Oscar McCrann | Arts Initiatives Support Officer | 02 8512 1170


Steve Williams | Student Music Programs Officer (Years 5 to 12) | 02 8512 1186
Susan Hill | Music Projects Assistant | 02 8512 1185
Luke Wallace | Student Music Programs K-8 Officer | 0448 262 659

Visual arts

Kate Dowland | R/ARTEXPRESS Project Officer | 0460 015 652
Shannen Alo | ARTEXPRESS Support Officer | 02 8512 1112


Arts Coordination Officers

Michelle Murphy | Metro South and West, Metropolitan South | 0425 384 484
Sarah Armour | Regional North and West, Rural North | 0429 965 197
Sue Dawson | Regional South, Rural South and West | 0402 992 897
Jack Tier | Regional North and West | 0460 005 643