Play Pause Apply now Catch up on 7 Plus More info Apply now Apply to be a tutor Watch the 2024 films Apply now Exhibition 2024 More info Previous Next What's on offer Dance Engages students and teachers with dance practice to build skills, engage, teach and inspire students. Drama Fosters the development of skills, knowledge and understanding for students and teachers in drama. Literature and language arts Encourages and supports student literacy outcomes through reading, spelling, debating and public speaking. Music Inspires students and engages teachers to build, extend and enrich musical skills, appreciation and collaboration. Visual arts Supports and extends visual arts education in NSW. Film Supports teachers and students to engage in the art of filmmaking. Live and online festivals, showcases, events, and awards celebrate and share students' achievements. Digital engagement Explore our extensive range of teacher and student online resources, virtual excursions and live streams. Sydney Olympic Park Schools Spectacular Schools Spectacular is an iconic cultural event incorporating students from diverse backgrounds and communities from the length and breadth of the state. All Ability Arts Provides teachers and students with teaching, learning and performance opportunities in areas such as music, dance, visual arts, public speaking, film and drama for or to support students with disability. Taronga Learn at Taronga Students from preschool to PhD can study, explore and be inspired by the zoo's team of scientists, researchers, educators and keepers. Live, online, virtual and curriculum linked resources available. Taronga Zoo resource hub A suite of resources that will enhance the Taronga Excursion experience for students and to support delivery of the curriculum in the classroom. Opportunities near you Metro South and West Metropolitan North Metropolitan South Regional North Regional North and West Regional South Rural North Rural South and West