Schools Spectacular

Region: Metro | Sydney Olympic Park
Kindergarten to Year 12 students and teachers

Schools Spectacular is an iconic cultural event incorporating students from diverse backgrounds and communities from the length and breadth of the state.

Singer in a red dress performing passionately on stage.

Don’t miss Schools Spectacular 2024 TV broadcast!

Experience the magic for the first time or relive the unforgettable moments of All 4 One.

Available on demand on 7Plus School Spectacular.



Sign up to receive the latest news and announcements for the Schools Spectacular.

Teacher application Q&A session

Join us for an informative Q&A session designed specifically for teachers interested in applying for their schools to participate in the Schools Spectacular! This session will provide valuable insights into the application process, criteria for selection, and tips for showcasing your school’s remarkable talents.

During the session, you will have the opportunity to:

  • ask questions regarding the application requirements and timeline
  • gain insights into successful past applications and what made them stand out
  • receive guidance from experienced educators who have previously participated in the event.

Whether your school has participated in the past or is new to the process, this session is a fantastic opportunity to gather information and get excited about the possibilities that Schools Spectacular offers for students and the wider school community.

Date: Monday 3 March 2025
Time: 3:30 pm
Location: via Teams (Meeting ID: 447 375 726 253 Passcode: Zq2Nm63U)

We look forward to seeing you there and helping your school shine in the Schools Spectacular!


Photos from Schools Spectacular 2024 can be purchased from Anna Warr Photography.

Image galleries will be progressively uploaded as they are completed. Please note that payments for photos are not processed by The Arts Unit but are made directly through the photographer's website.

If you don’t see images from your segment on the photo sales website, we encourage you to check back later, as new galleries will be added over time.

All Arts Units programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in Schools Spectacular, please email so we can assist.