High school debate club

Secondary debating
Art Bites Literature and language arts
Tags: Debating

Useful frameworks for writing, developing and presenting an argument.

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Tony Davey

Art Bites – videos

Argument basics

Exploring a useful framework for quickly writing and explaining an argument.


This week we look at ways to expand and improve arguments by looking at the different stakeholders in the debate.

Principled arguments

We explore strategies for presenting more complicated principled arguments. Email Tony with any questions or suggestions!

Banning debates

This week we look at arguments around informed consent to harms in 'banning' debates. Email us if you'd like to follow something up!

The black market argument

This week we talk about ways to argue that bans will or won't work in your debate. Remember, you can email us if you have any questions!

Public speeches

With the Plain English Speaking Award springing back to life we're dedicating this week to public speaking! Emily and Tony chat through different tactics for writing and delivering a great speech.

State intervention debates

This week Indigo gives us some tips about how to handle debates about intervening in the affairs of rogue nations.

Affirmative action debates

This week we look at how to tackle affirmative action debates. Email us if you'd like to follow up on something!

Privacy debates

This week Alex runs through some ways to plan your arguments around privacy.