Festival of Instrumental Music – combined strings ensemble application form 2025

Applications close Friday 6 December 2024.

Performance dates

  • Acacia Concert – Monday 25 August 2025
  • Banksia Concert – Tuesday 26 August 2025
  • Jacaranda Concert – Monday 8 September 2025
  • Mimosa Concert – Tuesday 9 September 2025

Performance venue

  • Sydney Opera House Concert Hall

Preliminary Rehearsals

All participating schools attend a preliminary rehearsal in Term 2 to prepare students for the concerts.

Sydney preliminary rehearsals will be held at Meadowbank Public School, 6 Rhodes Street, Meadowbank, an easy 6-minute walk from Meadowbank train station.

  • Acacia rehearsal – Monday 23 June 2025, 10 am to 1:30 pm 
  • Banksia rehearsal – Tuesday 24 June 2025, 10 am to 1:30 pm 
  • Jacaranda rehearsal – Wednesday 25 June 2025, 10 am to 1:30 pm 
  • Mimosa rehearsal – Thursday 26 June 2025, 10 am to 1:30 pm

Non-metropolitan schools will either host or attend a 4-hour Regional preliminary rehearsal with other nearby participating schools during Term 2, as negotiated with Luke Wallace.​​​​

Teacher workshop

At least one teacher from each participating school should attend the Festival of Instrumental Music - teacher professional learning workshop at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music on Thursday 13 February 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.


  • Participation fee of $40 per student will be payable upon acceptance into the program. 
  • A rural and remote subsidy of 25% will be offered to all students attending from rural and remote schools as identified by the Department.


For further information contact concerts.artsunit@det.nsw.edu.au.


School details

Contact teacher name
Please enter a valid mobile number in the following format: 04xx  xxx  xxx
Will there be any other teacher who will be supervising the group at either a rehearsal or performance?
If yes, you will need to provide the contact details for any additional supervisory teacher attending.
Additional teacher name
Please enter a valid mobile number in the following format: 04xx  xxx  xxx
Principal name
Please indicate your previous involvement in the FOIM.

String ensemble entry details

  • Please indicate the number of students entering for each of the following instruments.
  • The total number should not exceed 20 students per school. A quota will be applied.
Please give full details of any student with additional learning needs in your string ensemble, and how we may be able to assist them to participate in the festival in an inclusive manner.

Concert availability

Indicate your preference of concerts from 1 to 4.
  • If you are equally available for several dates mark each of them as 1.
  • If your string ensemble is unavailable for a concert select No.
  • Improve your chance of selection by nominating as many available dates as possible.
Concert → Preference
Acacia Concert - Monday 25 August 2025
Banksia Concert - Tuesday 26 August 2025
Jacaranda Concert - Monday 8 September 2025
Mimosa Concert - Tuesday 9 September 2025
For example, if you wish to be linked to another school to share travel costs please indicate above.

Principal endorsement