North Coast Creative Arts Camp

Region: Rural North | Tyalgum
Years 4 to 6
Local arts program Dance Drama Music Visual arts

The North Coast Creative Arts Camp provides students in Years 4 to 6 with the opportunity to extend their skills and knowledge in creative arts. The residential camp offers quality extension activities that are not usually available in the classroom.

Activities are delivered by experienced staff who support students as they step outside their comfort zone and learn new skills. Activities include a concert band, string, percussion and guitar groups, dance, visual arts, vocal and drama groups. There is also an exciting range of fun afternoon activities to enable students to explore arts areas other than their main group activity.


2024 camp dates

The North Coast Creative Arts Camp will run from Sunday 15 to Friday 20 September 2024 (Term 3 Week 9).


Applications for North Coast Creative Arts Camp have now closed. All students will be contacted with the outcome of their application by the end of Term 2, Week 9.


Tyalgum Ridge Retreat

Transportation is the responsibility of parents in consultation with each child’s school.


$550.00 per student upon acceptance. Payment is inclusive of accommodation, meals, tuition and all camp activities.


Fiona Clarke
Mary Seckold
Sarah Armour
Rel. Arts Coordination Officer
Rural North
0429 965 197


Tyalgum Ridge Retreat
783 Tyalgum Creek Road
Tyalgum Ridge Retreat NSW 2484

Open Map


Staff opportunities

North Coast Creative Arts Camp is an annual residential camp that caters for talented students from Years 4, 5 and 6 throughout the region in the creative and performing arts. The camp provides workshops throughout the week in music (vocal and instrumental), visual arts, dance, media and drama. 

Staff applications
Applications are invited from skilled, enthusiastic and experienced teachers and tutors who are prepared to devote a week to develop and extend the talents of the attending students. Schools releasing staff to tutor at camp will receive release payment from the program to cover their relief. As this is a residential camp, applicants need to be aware that duties and responsibilities extend well beyond the normal hours of the school day.

Teacher professional learning opportunity
Professional learning opportunities are available for interested teachers to gain knowledge and skills in the creative and performing arts. There is no cost involved in this but schools need to cover casual relief for teachers attending for this professional learning opportunity.

Daily activities include:

  • the main group to which a child is allocated (2 sessions)
  • an elective activity (1 session)
  • combined choir in which every child and staff member participates
  • recreational activities run by the venue staff, supported by Creative Arts Camp staff.

Each night the students are encouraged to perform at our evening concert. The week concludes with a celebratory concert involving every student. 

Staff applications have now closed. All staff will be contacted with the outcome of their application by the end of Term 2, Week 9.

All Arts Unit programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in the North Coast Creative Arts Camp, please email so that we can assist.