Video transcript
@The Arts Unit Creative Classes – Tune in and tune up – 02. Season shuffle

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[music playing]

INSTRUCTOR: So can you all get into two little clumps? And we're going to be moving around the space as a clump. But this time, I want you to shuffle your feet a bit like penguins, OK? So shuffling around.

So it's up to your group as to where you're going in the room. OK? So I'll set us some atmosphere.

STUDENT: Sorry, is there a leader?

INSTRUCTOR: So for example, Cat will be the leader right now. But if she decides to turn and maybe she only turns slightly, then Emma might become the leader. So it's up to you. But you're all shuffling, OK?

So let's try this. OK. Three, two, go, shuffle. So try not to collide with each other. OK. No talking. And just pause for a second.

I'm now going to give you an instruction. This spot of the room becomes we're going to play with seasons. So over here, we have summer. Over here, we have autumn. There's winter. And over here is spring.

So as you and your, as I call this the school of fish, when you get into those spaces, I want you to embody that. So your body should completely change. You don't have to shuffle when you're in that season. So try and play with that.

So again, you didn't collide, so well done, but let's see. I don't want you to go into order. So let's play with it. So what was this?

STUDENT: Summer. Autumn. Winter. Spring.

INSTRUCTOR: Go for it. Beautiful.

[music playing]

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