Video transcript
Connections Showcase 2022 – 02. Baulkham Hills High School – The Last Day of Online Learning

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[intro music]

MISS LIZA: Class, I am so happy to tell you that this is our very last online lesson. We can all come back to school tomorrow.

ALL: Yeah!

MISS LIZA: Even though we have been through this together, we can all remember this crazy period of time in different ways. I want you to think about learning from home, lockdowns and missing out on a lot of many things.

CLAUDIA: I know why we're back. I got a new phone! I got a new phone. I can't wait to show my new phone. I made 1,000 TikToks. And it's got all my favourite music and games on it. My friends every night, and FaceTime my cousins. Do you want to see it? I will show you tomorrow. Whoo!

MISS LIZA: I'm so glad you see the positives, Claudia. We are certainly lucky to have technology to help us while we were stuck at home. Amelia, I can see that you are looking a little worried. Is there something wrong?

AMELIA: I am scared, Miss Liza.

MISS LIZA: What are you afraid of, Amelia?

AMELIA: I don't want to catch COVID. I don't want to get sick or die.

JACK: Boo hoo.

AMELIA: Why are you crying, Jack? Are you scared, too?

JACK: I'm crying because my grandpa died from the COVID.

ALL: Oh. That's awful.

MISS LIZA: That is very sad news, Jack.

CLAUDIA: When I see you tomorrow, Jack, I am going to give you a hug.

MISS LIZA: That's a lovely thought, Claudia, but we will not be able to do that. We will keep Amelia and everyone safe by social distancing. We won't be able to give hugs or high fives.

SAM: Why did all these bad things happen? I feel mad that this happened to Jack's family and to other families. COVID makes me so angry.

MISS LIZA: Yes, a lot of people must be feeling sad and angry about what has happened over this past year.

ISABELLA: Ah. I am so frustrated with not being able to go out. I have to do school on Zoom, do dance on Zoom, see all my friends on Zoom. I once even had to see the doctor on Zoom. I want things to go back to normal.

MISS LIZA: And things are going to take some time to be completely back to normal, Isabella. But we can be happy over the little things.

PRIANCA: I am happy because it's my mum's birthday next week, and we are going to have a party.

ALL: Yeah!

MISS LIZA: That's very exciting, Prianca, because lots of people missed out on birthday parties this year. What will you remember about learning from home, Michael?

MICHAEL: It's boring.

MISS LIZA: Oh, sorry about that. Perhaps you have enjoyed playing some video games?

MICHAEL: Boring.

MISS LIZA: Or have you watched something good on TV?

MICHAEL: Boring.

MISS LIZA: Did you and your family play some games?

MICHAEL: Boring.

ALL: Oh, Michael. Michael.

MISS LIZA: I can imagine all of you grown up and sharing these stories with your grandchildren, all about how the world shut down for a year, and how you are resilient and made it through. I can't wait to see you face to face all tomorrow. Bye, children.

ALL: Bye, Miss Liza.

End of transcript