Holroyd High School – Vivid Sydney

Duration: 1:38

Students from Holroyd High School created paintings during the hype of Vivid Sydney and then amidst months of lockdowns. The initial idea was to re-discover and connect with our beautiful city. Their Vivid Sydney paintings and design work took an entire term to complete. Students used a wide variety of techniques to share their vision of a vivid and lively Sydney. 

These works were entered in the national Zart art prize, and 7 students were shortlisted, with one student (Keira Kelly) winning the national first place for Special Education in Australia.


Back to Connections Showcase 2022 – Holroyd High School – Vivid Sydney


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Transcript – Holroyd High School – Vivid Sydney

[intro music]

[percussive, upbeat music]

End of transcript
