Holroyd High School – King of the Streets

Duration: 1:53

Holroyd High School students read some poetry on the Australian magpie and collected photographs of magpies while thinking about keywords that described the sounds, colours, actions and appearance of the bird.

The students went through many steps to create their fabulous King of the Streets artworks, including preliminary sketches, creating tints to reflect the many colours the sky can be, dragging paint to make a fence, using carbon paper to transfer images, ink drawing using a twig and using a palette knife to paint with thick impasto paints.

They can't wait to share their creative processes and striking finished pieces.


Back to Connections Showcase 2022 – Holroyd High School – King of the Streets


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Transcript – Holroyd High School – King of the Streets

[intro music]

[cheerful music]

End of transcript
