Matraville Sports High School – Bees

Duration: 0:53

Students from Matraville Sports High School used a bee as inspiration for their artwork. They collectively decided to create Bees to support the showcase's theme of 'Ours to Share' as the students thought that bees move around a lot, pollinate plants and share their honey with us all – a theme that can be continued by sharing and gifting the honey to others. 

In essence, the students were all in agreement that we are fortunate to have bees in our lives as they are very giving and sharing insects and are essential players in sustainability. Textas and coloured pencils were their medium.


Back to Connections Showcase 2022 – Matraville Sports High School – Bees


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Transcript – Matraville Sports High School – Bees

[intro music]

[cheeky, upbeat music]

End of transcript
