NSW Public Schools Aboriginal Drama Workshop

Years 7 to 11 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

This program is intended for secondary students who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and attend a NSW public school. In this program, students work with Indigenous performing artists to develop their skills in traditional cultural story telling techniques such as movement, music, language, art and drama at Sydney’s Australian Theatre for Young People. The program culminates in a fantastic final performance.

You can register your interest in this program and we will let you know when information about the next workshop becomes available.

A performed scene with a student standing over another squatted student that has her arms behind her back. Other students are watching the scene from the edge of the performance space.


The Arts Initiatives team
The Arts Unit
02 8512 1190

All Arts Unit programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in the NSW Public Schools Aboriginal Drama Workshop, please email artsinitiatives@det.nsw.edu.au so that we can assist.