NSW Public Schools Drama Teacher Mentor Program

Drama teachers

The Arts Unit and Drama NSW offer a number of mentoring opportunities for interested drama teachers in public schools across NSW. Nominating teachers will have a passion for being part of events such as festivals, ensembles or camps and are prepared to take their newfound experiences to develop and coordinate drama events in their local area. 

Teacher enjoying TPL

NSW public school teachers can apply to be mentored as a part of the State Drama Camp and the NSW Public Schools Drama Ensembles.


To be confirmed.
Casual relief will be provided where necessary.
Participants will be expected to cover all transport costs as well as any accommodation expenses for non-residential events.

Enrolment criteria

  • Sound understanding of the depth and scope of the arts-related role.
  • Demonstrated capacity to work at a level that supports and extends complementary school and area activities.
  • Demonstrated involvement in facilitating related planning and organisational structures, reflecting a proactive and visionary approach.
  • Highly motivated and a desire to extend personal knowledge and skills.


The drama team
The Arts Unit
02 8512 1175

All Arts Unit programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in the NSW Public Schools Drama Teacher Mentor Program, please email drama.artsunit@det.nsw.edu.au so that we can assist.