NSW Public Schools Multicultural Playwright Program

Years 7 to 12

This program supports secondary students from refugee backgrounds and students who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD). Led by industry professionals, this program engages students in activities that develop language skills within the context of writing for theatre, and culminates in a performance that is live streamed to the student’s home countries. 

Multicultural Playwright Program

About the program

This highly engaging performance program is intended for students who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and students with a refugee background. Participating students must be in Years 7 to 12 and attend a NSW public school. The Multicultural Playwright Program is a 3-day workshop program that provides multicultural and refugee students and their teachers a scriptwriting and performance experience, culminating in a showcase performance that is live streamed back to the student’s home countries. 

Workshop information

  • The program commences with a 1 day Devising for Secondary Teachers professional learning workshop
  • Following this workshop, teachers have the opportunity to have a theatre practitioner mentor come along to their school to work with their students for 1 x 2hr workshop to assist with the preparation and devising of their performances. 
  • These performances form the basis of the piece to be developed throughout the 3-day workshop.
  • The final showcase of the student work is then performed and live-streamed to home countries.


Program fees

  • The 3-day workshop fee is $90.00 per participating student.
  • There is no fee for the teacher professional learning session for 1 teacher per school who have students participating in the 3 day program.
  • A fee of $150 for additional teachers attending the professional learning.


2024 Applications close Friday 3 May

Devising for Secondary Teachers professional learning

Date: Term 2 Week 4
Tuesday 21 May 2024
Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 
Venue: Bankstown Arts Centre – Studio 1

Mentoring weeks

Term 2 Weeks 5, 6, 7 or 8
Monday – Friday (flexible for attending schools)

Student 3 day workshops

Date: Term 2 Week 9
Tuesday 18 to Thursday 20 June 2024
Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 
Venue: Bankstown Arts Centre – Theatre

Refugee week

Term 2 Week 9

Multicultural Playwright Program promo

Duration: 2:02

The Multicultural Playwright Program is a three-day event which is designed to give multicultural/refugee students and their teachers a scriptwriting and performance experience. On the third day the students will, after working with the tutors and their teachers, put on a showcase performance providing them with the platform to share their stories.

Video transcript – Multicultural Playwright Program promo


The Arts Initiatives team
The Arts Unit
02 8512 1190

All Arts Unit programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in the NSW Public Schools Multicultural Playwright Program, please email artsinitiatives@det.nsw.edu.au so that we can assist.