Talent release - child (2023)

Please read and complete the following talent release form as part of your students involvement in an Arts Unit program or event.

Production company - Department of Education - The Arts Unit
Project/s - Arts Unit programs, ensembles, workshops and events
Start and end date - 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023

Email - theartsunit@det.nsw.edu.au

If you require any further information please contact the program coordinator. 

In this release Department means the NSW Department of Education. 

As the parent/legal guardian of a student involved in an Arts Unit program or event you agree to the below terms and conditions and acknowledge this in the specific program form.

  • I grant to the Department the right to photograph my child and to record my child’s voice, performances, poses, actions, plays and appearances in connection with the project described above on this talent release and any related project (Project). 
  • I grant to the Department, its successors, assignees and licensees the right to use, all still and motion pictures and sound track recordings and records which the Department may capture of my child or of my child’s voice as a part of the Project, and the right to use my child’s name or likeness in or in connection with the exhibition, advertising, exploiting and/or publicising of the Project. I further grant the right to reproduce in any manner whatsoever any recordings including all instrumental, musical or other sound effects produced by my child, in connection with the production and/or postproduction of the Project.
  • I waive any right to inspect or approve any use of any photographs or recordings of my child by the Department. 
  • I agree that I will not assert or maintain against the Department, its successors, assignees and licensees, any claim, action, suit or demand of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to for breach or invasion of privacy, rights of publicity or other civil rights, or for any reason in connection with the Department’s authorised use of my child’s physical likeness and sound in connection with the Project.
  • I acknowledge and agree that all rights in and to any content captured as a part of the Project, including the copyright, are and shall remain the sole property of the Department, free and clear from any claims by me or anyone acting on my behalf.
  • The Department’s rights to content featuring my child’s physical likeness or sound captured as a part of the Project include, but are not limited to the right to the following for the Project:
    • use, re-use, publish, and re-publish that content; 
    • alter, modify or otherwise change that content in any manner the Department desires; 
    • combine that content with textual matter and/or with other pictures and/or media; and 
    • use the content for illustration, promotion, art, editorial, advertising, trade, publishing, or any other purpose whatsoever,
  • By my signature on the form I understand that I will, to the best of my ability, adhere to the schedule agreed to prior to the beginning of my child’s engagement. Additionally, I agree, to the best of my ability, to make my child available should it be necessary, to re-record their voice and/or record voice-overs and otherwise perform any necessary sound work required after the end of filming (if relevant). Should my child not be able to perform such sound work, I understand that the Department may enter into agreement with another person to re-record my child’s dialogue and/or record voice-overs and use this sound work over my child’s picture or however they deem appropriate. 
  • I warrant that I am the parent or legal guardian of the above named child and that there are no restrictions that prevent my child from participating in the Project or any restrictions that prevent me from agreeing to these terms, and that the consent of no other person is required to enable the Department to make and exploit content captured as a part of the Project. I release and indemnify the Department, its assignees, and licensees from and against any claims arising from any breach of this warranty.