ARTEXPRESS 2024 - 02. Virtual gallery explore tutorial

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Transcript – ARTEXPRESS 2024 - 02. Virtual gallery explore tutorial

[intro music]

NARRATOR: When on any page of the ARTEXPRESS virtual gallery, select the explore button top left to enter the explore mode. The explore mode is a way that we've created for you to look at all of the works across all of the years. At this stage in 2024, there's over 270 works and that is growing every year.

We've created a range of filters and buttons and viewing options to make it easier for you, whether a teacher or a student, to find examples of work that you are looking for and to filter it to things that are relevant to you.

The top line has the filter options at the most basic level. You can type open words in the open search. For instance, I'll type the word ocean and that shows me a bunch of works to do with ocean. I might type the word fire and that has works to do with bush fires and works that are inspired by fire or potentially works that use fire in some way. his really works by searching the word fire in any of the descriptions or titles. That's how it works.

The next filter along the top is regions. So you might want to pick, uh, a region near where you live, for example, the Hunter region, and you'll see all the works that relate to that. Um, new South Wales school region. You can also pick schools that are represented. So we have a whole range of different schools and that's growing every year. So if you don't find your school here, hopefully we'll see it there in the future.

And of course you can sort by years. So the final filter is a way to pick individual years out of the five years we've done so far, and that will be growing into the future.

In the next row there's a series of buttons for all of the expressive forms. So you can click one or multiple buttons here to really look into examples in that expressive form. For instance, I will select designed objects and graphic design. If I was not really sure which one I wanted to use or which one I wanted to submit my work in, I can see some examples of both here and I can start to understand the difference between those two. And you can select as many different forms as you want or reset it back to all using the all button.

The next row is components. You, you might just wanna look for all of the works with great 3D scans using the 3D button or works with shimmer components, which is a special technology we use to show surface qualities of works. Works with videos, books, visual arts process diaries that's growing every year. Some works have interviews with students if you really want to hear about the way the student describes their own work.

And finally, some works have curriculum analysis videos. So mark commentary videos to talk about why this work was selected and how this work represents excellence in the high school curriculum.

The next row down is material, and that's a new feature for this year. The material row allows you to select a set of materials, for instance, paper that then lists all the works that use that in the description of the materials used by the student. We're improving this right now. It's a new feature. For instance, plastic shows a lot of the works that have plastic in them, um, down to things like wood, um, and other general materials. Expect this to grow over the coming years, um, as we refine it. But it's another great way working with the other filters and buttons to really hone in on what you are looking for in the site.

Finally, there's the sort row and it's really easy to sort either alphabetically or reversed alphabetically by either the first name, the surname or the title of the work.

And then there's a view option. So we've been viewing the explore site so far in card mode, card mode's. A great way to see a really quick glance of all the different works that are there.

The next one along is list mode. List mode gives you a bit more of a detailed view of each work 'cause it also allows you to read the artist statement in this mode. And the final one is a feature which we call spreadsheet mode. And spreadsheet mode is a list, um, a very detailed list of every work that's in there and you can select different ones in this. So this is really useful for both students and teachers to create a saved document with direct links to some of the works they wanna show someone or they wanna look at later or potentially they wanna use in class.

So how this works, I can select graphic design for instance, and that will list all of the graphic design works. And then I can, uh, if I deselect them all and select just a few works that I want. So perhaps I'll select a few of these, um, cartoon based works. I might have a student that's really interested in doing some cartoon type of work. Um, and once I've selected those works, I can export it to a CSV file. So this becomes a file that you can download that then shows the direct links to those works and the information about it. So it's a really quick, easy way to save what you find in the explore mode and then to be able to use it later.

Finally, there's a reset button that's really useful in case you get lost in case you've set up a bunch of filters and you're not sure what you're looking for. Hit the reset button and start again.

The explore mode should be easy, but also a rich way to explore all of the different art express virtual works presented in this site.

Thank you.

End of transcript
