Video transcript
CApture Film Festival 2023 – 02. Terracotta Friends – Winmalee High School

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[gentle music playing]

NARRATOR: It's hard to wrap my mind around friendships, that they happen to be unplanned coincidences. It just all feels too special to be circumstantial, yet, somehow, us happened. The stars aligned that night and when I held your gaze, I knew.

I knew that this could really be something. Something that's moulded by hands, like an artist working with clay. Everything about this, this connection, had to be written in the books of fate, asking, can we be friends?

[gentle music playing]

ANYA: But like, have you ever actually seen them hanging out with anyone?

ABBIE-ROSE: [laughs] It's not like they have any friends.


[music intensifies]

TILLY: Eh, look, I just wanted to give you this. I'm sorry. It's just, like, when I'm with those girls, you know, it's--

BRODIE: Thanks.

[gentle music playing]

TILLY: Is everything OK?

BRODIE: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. It's good.

[gentle music continues]

End of transcript