Video transcript
CApture Film Festival 2023 – 05. Delirium – Student interview

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[intro music]

OLGA: My name's Olga, and I was in the film 'Delirium'.

KASSANDRA: We looked at the prompt, which was a window, and we were, 'How about we experiment with windows to the past and seeing different memories?' and stuff like that. I particularly love editing and post-production. [laughs] Yeah. I love just stitching everything together and just colour-grading. I love colour-grading and the use of colours, if you couldn't tell.

DAVID TODD: I could.

KASSANDRA: Yeah. [laughs]

DAVID TODD: What's the hardest part of this process?

AVIPSA: I think it was mainly the actual filmmaking, seeing what works, seeing what doesn't, you know-- you know, guess and check, I guess.

DAVID TODD: And you got the role as the main actor. How did that come about?

OLGA: Um, well, we were, 'Who's going to be the main actor? Who's OK with being on camera?' And I was the only one. Yeah. She said she explicitly didn't want her face in it. She was OK with being a minor part. So that's kind of how it happened.

[light music playing]

We were really inspired by a lot of-- a lot of horror and a lot of-- kind of psychedelic movie tropes-- the whole idea of, you don't really know what's going on at any point in time.

[light music playing]

End of transcript