Terracotta Friends – Student interview

Winmalee High School

Duration: 2:06

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Transcript – Terracotta Friends – Student interview

[intro music]

TILLY: So I'm Tilly and I'm from Winmalee High.

TULLY: And I'm Tully, and I'm from Winmalee High. So the film is Brodie, and he makes this little friend out of clay because he's not really-- he's struggling to make friends in his real world. So he makes a friend out of clay, and he really bonds with it, and then that kind of teaches him how to make friends in the real world.

DAVID TODD: Directing actors, what's that like?

TULLY: It's stressful because I'm always scared I'm going to be too bossy. But once I have a vision of what I want, I just got to move people into it or try to explain what I want to do to get it there.

DAVID TODD: Your character is a bit torn between the mean girls and the main character. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

TILLY: Yeah, so I guess she's too sort of trying to fit in. But she's sort of doing that by joining a group that doesn't really fit with who she actually is. And then-- so she sees Brodie, and she realises that's actually who I feel like I fit in with. But she doesn't feel like she can be friends with him because of who she's friends with. Film is such a universal thing. I feel like most people enjoy film, and so it really gets that point across to lots of people.

DAVID TODD: Absolutely, and what is the hardest and easiest thing when making a film?

TULLY: Easiest, I want to say, is once it's over, and it's just done, and then you can relax. But hardest I feel like is the initial idea coming through. It's hard to just initially think of something and then draw on that. I just-- I just want to combine everything into one 'cause, why not make the most of a film if I can combine clay and I can combine art, and painting, and everything? It's so much more special if I include all of those other things as well.

[gentle music playing]

End of transcript
