Video transcript
CApture Film Festival 2023 – 14. Amateur Interrogation – Tempe High School

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[intense music playing]


[breathing heavily]

[door squeaks open]

[door shuts]

RAE: So, you're finally awake. Oh, god! Chuck. Chuck, what the hell was that?

CHUCK: Rae, it's dark in here.

RAE: I-- I don't care. So you're awake, huh?

JIM STODEBIKE: Who are you guys? What do you want from me?

CHUCK: We'll be asking the questions here.

JIM STODEBIKE: I'll tell you anything you want. I-- just please don't hurt me.

CHUCK: Oh, we won't hurt you.

RAE: Uh, uh. [slaps table]

Yes, we will!

[slaps table]

JIM STODEBIKE: I-- I don't even know what you guys want from me.

RAE: Don't act like you don't know exactly [slaps table] what's going on here.

[ominous music playing]

On July 19th, 2019, you took something very important from me. So important that, if it was taken from me, I think I'd lose myself. That thing was my bike.

JIM STODEBIKE: Um, a bike?

RAE: Yeah, a bike! It was all I had. Think this is funny?

JIM STODEBIKE: Look, man, I think you have the wrong guy.

RAE: Deny it all you like. We have ways to make you talk.

CHUCK: We do?

[frantic music playing]

RAE: Oh, crap. Oh, crap. Uh! Um, where is that stuff? Chuck something in the candle. Go!

[frantic music playing]

CHUCK: Maybe we can check the pantry?

RAE: We don't need something from the pantry. We need a Doritos Donut!

Gummy bear.


Yeah, eat that gummy bear.

CHUCK: How does it taste?

JIM STODEBIKE: It tastes pretty good, actually.

RAE: It was poisoned!


[swallows hard]

[evil laughter]

CHUCK: You didn't actually poison him, did you?

RAE: No, I didn't actually poison him! What do you think I am, crazy?

JIM STODEBIKE: You guys know I can hear you, right?

RAE & CHUCK: Damn it!

CHUCK: Wait, I have an idea.

RAE: Chuck?


RAE: Why are we eating?

CHUCK: Brain food.

RAE: [sighs] We're not getting anywhere with this. I think we need to take it up a notch.

CHUCK: Yeah.

RAE: [sighs]

[quirky music playing]

Oh, my god. I hate this kid so much! It's like everything we do just fails. There's nothing left for him.

CHUCK: Well, there is one thing we could do.

RAE: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's too much-- even for us, OK?

CHUCK: I don't think we have a choice.

RAE: Fine. Let's do it.

[door shuts]

Who in God's name are you?

RANDO: I'm just filling in for the other guy.

RAE: OK. And where is the other guy?

RANDO: Oh, he's just outside.

RAE: Outside?

CHUCK: Yep, definitely outside.

RAE: No. Is he-- is he riding a bike?

CHUCK: Wait. That's my bike!

RAE: Son of a--

[quirky music playing]

End of transcript