Yennora Public School – Nursery Rhymes OUR WAY!

Duration: 0:58

Students from Yennora Public School have come together to share their drama piece, Nursery Rhymes OUR WAY!, inspired by the nursery rhyme The Three Little Pigs

The students made hand puppets and enjoyed learning the script, adding their own 'take' on the original. This was a challenging and rewarding activity for them.


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Transcript – Yennora Public School – Nursery Rhymes OUR WAY!

[intro music]


TEACHER: Now go.

DYLAN: Knock, knock, knock. Let me in.

BYRON: Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin.

TEACHER: Your turn.

DYLAN: I will puff and puff and blow your house in. [wind sound]

TEACHER: [laughs] And the pig ran away. Did his house fall down? It's the straw house.


TEACHER: And where were you running to, Byron? You're running to the-- which house is next?

BYRON: The stick.

TEACHER: You're running to the stick house. Excellent.

End of transcript
