Primary choral warm-ups - 01. Stretching and yawning, shoulder rolls

Duration: 1:10

Transcript – Primary choral warm-ups - 01. Stretching and yawning, shoulder rolls

(Music playing)

RACHEL KELLY: The first thing we're going to do is a bit of getting our body ready. So, I want you all to stand. We're going to start by having a big stretch above your heads, up on your toes, arms up in the air, and now shake your arms out. And, let's do a really big yawn and a stretch.


I think you can do a louder yawn than that. Try it again.


Excellent. And, now we're going to roll our shoulders slowly backwards. And, as you do this, think about where your feet are. Make sure that they're comfortably apart, around about in line with your shoulders, so you feel nice and balanced. And, forwards. Terrific. And, then stand with arms by your sides, nice and relaxed.

End of transcript
