Primary choral warm-ups – 03. Drawing on the ceiling with imaginary pencils

Duration: 2:05

Transcript – Primary choral warm-ups – 03. Drawing on the ceiling with imaginary pencils

RACHEL KELLY: So we're going to start off by holding an imaginary pencil in our hand. And I want you to draw a beautiful big flower on the ceiling above you without looking. Go. Big, I said big. Give it a stem and a little leaf. Beautiful, arm down. Now with your other arm, take your imaginary pencil, without looking, I want you to draw the biggest elephant you've ever drawn. Go.

You can bend. You can move. Make it big. That's it, give it a trunk. Excellent, and arms down. Now, I would like you to put your imaginary pencil on the top of your head. Just balance it there. Maybe there's a little imaginary strap that it sits in.

Now with this imaginary pencil on your head, I want you to try drawing a cat. Don't forget the whiskers. Well done. Let's draw one more thing. And I'm going to let one of you choose what it is that we draw. Emily, what do you think?

EMILY: I think a dog.

RACHEL KELLY: A dog? I think I can manage that. I'll give it a try. I'm not quite sure what kind of dog it will be. Here we go. Draw any kind of dog you want. Go, and stop, excellent balance, facing me. So we've just given our body a little bit of a bend and stretch in various directions, as we've done our painting, our imaginary drawing. Let's have a look at this ceiling. What a mess.

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