Primary choral warm-ups – 10. Sirens on 'ng'

Duration: 1:39

Transcript – Primary choral warm-ups – 10. Sirens on 'ng'

[music playing]

RACHEL KELLY: Next one we're going to make our "N - G" sound. Everyone go ng.

ALL: 'ng.'

RACHEL KELLY: And we're going to make a siren with our ng sound that starts up high in our voice and goes down low, like this. [humming scales] Try that with me.

ALL: [humming scales]

RACHEL KELLY: Good. You don't need to do the hand action. Keep your arms nice and relaxed. I'll show you with my hand. Try it again. And;

ALL: [humming scales]

RACHEL KELLY: Good. See if you can start even higher this time.

ALL: [humming scales]

RACHEL KELLY: Try and keep your head nice and still when you do it. So your actual head and face shouldn't be moving to match the pitch. That stays nice and relaxed, chin tucked in a bit. It's only the voice that's moving. Let's start, and your facial expression can move too. Your eyebrows can lift. Your cheeks can lift. But we don't need to move our heads up and down. Let's try it even higher. Ready?

ALL: [humming scales]

RACHEL KELLY: Good. This time when we get to the bottom, we're going to come back up to the top. Ready? And;

ALL: [humming scales]

RACHEL KELLY: Great. This time follow my hand and see if you can go in the right direction. Here we go.

ALL: [humming scales]


End of transcript
