Video transcript
Drama Ensembles 2021 – Monologues – Lucinda Butcher

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[intro music]

LUCINDA BUTCHER: Hi, my name is Lucinda Butcher. I'm in Year 8 at Burwood Girls High School. And this is a monologue I wrote called Harvard. What do I do, Stacey? They rejected me. Harvard rejected me. There's nothing I can do. God, I wish they knew how much this meant to me.

I'm never going to get into a school. That means I'm never going to get a job. I'm never going to make any money. Oh, my God. I'm going to be poor. Of course I'm stressed. Maybe I'm just not interesting enough.

No, that's what they said to me. 'Dear Miss Lang, we are not interested in your application.' That's basically the same thing. Right? You don't believe me. I swear that's what they said. Look. 'Dear Miss Lang, we are very interested in your application.'

Wait, what did I say? 'Dear Miss Lang, we are very interested in your application. Would you be available for an interview? Oh, my God, I read it wrong. Harvard wants to interview me. Harvard wants to interview me. I'm going to get into the school. That means I'm going to get a great job. I'm going to make so much money. Oh, my God. I'm going to be rich. Thanks for your help, Stacey. I'm going to go email them back. Love you.

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