Video transcript
Drama Ensembles 2021 – Monologues – Molly Maguire-Ward

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[intro music]

MOLLY MAGUIRE-WARD: Hi, my name is Molly and I'm in Year at St George Girls High School. This is my monologue called Grandma's Big Plans. I hope you like it. I've just been so lonely lately. You see, my sweet, sweet grandson, Jakey, he doesn't seem to like me anymore. Well, I've been thinking of some ways to win him back.

Now, back in my day, if you ever disrespected your grandparents, they would have just gotten out the big old whip.

But I could never do that to my sweet Jakey. So I was thinking of some other ways to win him back, less violent ways. And I was thinking maybe if I was a little cooler, he would like me more. I've been practising. Tell me what you think. Yo, I'm so cool with my bros going to the skate park. Yeah, man. No. That will never work. What was I thinking?

However, I do have one last way to win Jakey back. Now, the last time he was over at my place, he left behind this magazine and had this very handsome young man on it. I think his name was Justin Beebee or Justin Beaver. Oh, yes. It was Justin Bieber. And he had all these tattoos all over his body.

And I thought, maybe if I got Jakey a tattoo for his birthday. He would like me more. I'll just call his mother, Diane, to see what she thinks.

Hello, Diane. Yes, I am brilliant. Thank you. Now, I was just wondering what you thought of the idea of me giving Jakey a tattoo for his birthday? I hear they're all the rage right now.

Well, apparently not the best idea but no matter, no matter. I already got him 50 other presents. So hopefully, it will be enough. Oh. And well, look at the time. It's 2:30 already. And Jakey is here. Well, I'd best be off. Jakey, come to grandma.

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