Video transcript
Drama Ensembles 2021 – Short Film Ensemble 2021 – Stuck in a Loop
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[Intro Music]
LIAM MADDISON: I'm Liam in Year 7 at Marrickville High School, and this is my short film titled 'Stuck in a Loop.' I hope you enjoy it.
[music playing]
KICK: Woo! That was great bro. Yeah! Get out of the way, old man!
[inaudible] road.
[music playing]
KICK: Vinnie, that's the third time we passed that.
VINNIE: That's weird. Want to, like, try riding another way?
KICK: Yeah.
VINNIE: Directions?
KICK: Sounds great.
VINNIE: That's really [inaudible].
KICK: Yeah.
[music playing]
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
VINNIE: It's the same one.
KICK: No. No.
VINNIE: Same one. We're in a loop. Oh my god. What?
KICK: How did it get there?
VINNIE: Oh my goodness.
[sinister music]
End of transcript