Video transcript
Drama Festival 2023 - Secondary - 05. True Grit

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[intro music]

ANNOUNCER: In the grisly west, 14-year-old Mattie Ross seeks revenge against a drifter named Tom Chaney for the robbing and murder of her father. Mattie asks a pair of notorious Texan bounty hunters to help her seek vengeance. Does Mattie truly have the grit to finish the job? Please welcome Asquith Girls High School with 'True Grit'.

MATTIE ROSS: People did not give it credence that a young girl could go off in the wintertime to avenge her father's blood. But it did happen. My name is Mattie Ross, and I was just 14 years of age when a coward by the name of Tom Chaney shot my father down and robbed him of his life and his horse, and 3 California gold pieces he carried in his trouser band.

Chaney was a hired man and Papa had taken him up to Fort Smith to lead back a string of Mustang ponies he'd bought. In town, Chaney had fallen to drink and cards and had got it into his head he was being cheated and went back to the boarding house to fetch his Henry rifle. And when papa tried to intervene, Chaney shot him.

Chaney fled. He could have walked his horse, for not a soul in that city could be bothered to give chase. No doubt, Chaney fancied himself scot free, but he was wrong. You must pay for everything in this world, one way or another. There is nothing free except the grace of God.

[music - Brandon Fiechter, 'Tumbleweed Town']


MAN IN BAR 1: Hey. No women.

[audience laughing]

MATTIE ROSS: My name is Mattie Ross, and I'm looking for Marshall Reuben Cogburn.

BAR CROWD: [laughing]

MATTIE ROSS: Again, my name is Mattie Ross, and I'm looking for Marshall Reuben Cogburn.

MAN IN BAR 2: (drunkenly) Listen here, little lady. I think you can come home--

DARCY HUDGENS: [laughing nervously] Hi, darlin'. What did you say your name was again? Never mind. My name is Darcy Hudgens. I work here at the saloon. I can fetch the bar manager for you. He might be able to help.


Mr Delancy?


DARCY HUDGENS: There you go, darlin'.

MATTIE ROSS: My name is Mattie Ross, and I'm looking for Marshal Reuben Cogburn.

MR DELANCEY: Really? What does a girl like you have business with a man like him?

MATTIE ROSS: I believe that's a private matter, sir.



MATTIE ROSS: Marshal Reuben Cogburn, sir?

REUBEN COGBURN: Might be, depends who's asking.

MATTIE ROSS: I'm Mattie Ross, and I'm on a quest to avenge my father's death. He was shot and killed by a man named Tom Chaney.

REUBEN COGBURN: Chaney, you say?

MATTIE ROSS: Yes, sir.

REUBEN COGBURN: Chaney. Tom Chaney? Chaney of Indian territory?

MATTIE ROSS: I'm certain of it, sir.



[audience laughing]

REUBEN COGBURN: This little girl says she's looking for our old friend, Thomas Chaney. Now isn't that nice?

LABEOUF: And you're certain?

MATTIE ROSS: I believe so, sir.

REUBEN COGBURN: Well if you're so certain, then why would you need our help?

MATTIE ROSS: Well, while I have tenacity, I have been told that you, Marshal Reuben Cogburn, have the true grit it takes to finish the job. But I'm coming with you.

LABEOUF: Oh, you got money?

MATTIE ROSS: Well, when Chaney shot my father down, he stole 3 California gold pieces from him, and I plan on getting them back. Then I'll provide one for you, one for you, and one for me.

REUBEN COGBURN: Labeouf, round up the horses.

[music - Ennio Morricone, 'Un Monumento']

Now hold on there, little girl. This is a dangerous place. Chaney, if you are in there, I demand you to come on out. Seems as though you've got unfinished business with more than one in this town.

TOWN MAN: He ain't here.

[audience laughing]

REUBEN COGBURN: Boy, now if you or your scamp saphead little buddies ever talk to me or my crew like that again, I will hunt you down and I will--


TOWN WOMAN: [giggling]

TOM CHANEY: Did someone say Chaney?

[music - Steve Oxen, 'Old West Gunslingers']

Hey, Rooster. How you bin? Long time no see.

REUBEN COGBURN: I ain't here for no chit chat.

TOM CHANEY: Oh, you're not?

REUBEN COGBURN: You got away from me last time, Chaney, and I doubt that's going to happen again.

TOM CHANEY: See, I ain't got a clue what you're talking about, Rooster. Fun, ain't that?

REUBEN COGBURN: Not in the slightest.

TOM CHANEY: Well, I plead the fifth.

REUBEN COGBURN: See, I knew you wouldn't have more to say for yourself, Chaney, which is why I regret to tell you you're a gon' pay.

[music - Ennio Morricone, 'Sister Sara's theme']

[audience applause, cheering]

End of transcript