Alstonville Public School - 6 Hours, 6 Kids

Duration: 3:29

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Transcript – Alstonville Public School - 6 Hours, 6 Kids

SAVANNAH: Oh, my God. It's so hot out here. It's going to harm my beautiful skin.

GIRL 2: Yeah, it actually has gotten hotter out here.

GIRL 3: Oh, my God. It burns. [screams]

GIRL 4: Wait for me.


SAVANNAH: Such wimps.

DIGBY: No, seriously. We should get out of here. Look.

SAVANNAH: What are you doing?

DIGBY: Saving you guys. Come on. Information from the new NASA satellite has said that the sun has come 20,000 kilometres closer to Earth.

DEXTER: I never knew Nisila had a new satellite.

DIGBY: NASA. Anyway, it says that we only have six hours left before Earth is going to become uninhabitable.

SAVANNAH: Wait. What?

DIGBY: Just stay indoors at all costs. You hear me? No leaving.

SAVANNAH: Wait. What? I'm going to to see if Savannah and Stacy are OK.

DEXTER: No. I should have been nicer to her. Now she's burned to crisps.

SAVANNAH: Come on. I'm still alive. I just brang Savannah and Stacy.

DEXTER: I can still hear her cries in the afterlife.


GIRLS: So do we.

DEXTER: You're still alive?


GIRL 2: Is it just me, or is it getting hotter?


[flames crackle]


SAVANNAH: Wait! Wait. My limited edition lipstick.

GIRL 3: Let's save it.

SAVANNAH: Yeah, let's go.

GIRL 4: Oh, it's so hot in here.

SAVANNAH: Please, where's the lipstick?

GIRL 4: I've got it. It feels like a [inaudible].

SAVANNAH: My [inaudible].

GIRL 3: I got it. Here you go. Now, let's go.

SAVANNAH: Where am I going to live?

GIRL 4: Are you OK? Do you have insurance?

SAVANNAH: What's insurance?

GIRL 3: Hey, have a look at yourself and you will see you're still beautiful.

SAVANNAH: Yes. [screams] I'm being burned. And [inaudible]

DIGBY: That's it. I'm going to go burn the sun. The sun has come 20,000 kilometres closer to the Earth. We have already wasted 4 out of 6 hours left to survive. We're going to boil the sun.

DEXTER: So how do you even boil the sun?

DIGBY: The sunshine rays will reflect off the mirror, thus pointing back at the sun, which will give it--

DEXTER: A taste of its own medicine?

DIGBY: Exactly. But it's going to be dangerous. But who's going to hold the mirror?

DEXTER: I will.

DIGBY: I'd rather him than anyone else.

[suspenseful music playing]

GIRL: Guys? Is Dexter OK?

ALL: Why is it so dark?

DIGBY: I think we just blew up the sun.

GIRL: I like the dark. Oh, my God.

DIGBY: In the meantime, we should call the news.


GIRLS: We're going to be famous.

SAVANNAH: Oh, we are going be famous. Yes. Yes.

DEXTER: Guys, where did you go?

End of transcript
