Byron Bay Public School - Grandmas Are the Sunshine in Our World

Duration: 2:58

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Transcript – Byron Bay Public School - Grandmas Are the Sunshine in Our World

GRANDMA: I have something to tell you.

REECE: What?

GRANDMA: I'm shrinking!

REECE: Are you crazy? Hm-- how can I fix this problem for my grandma? Hey, about what you were saying yesterday, like, how you said you were shrinking and stuff, do you need me to take you to a hospital or anything?

GRANDMA: No, I'm fine for now.

REECE: This is so hard. I didn't even get one question right. Grandma, while you're doing the dishes, I was just going to tell you that I'm being bullied at school and I'm finding it hard to concentrate.

CHILDREN: Oh, no. Reece's grandma's here.

CHILDREN: Oh, that's cold.

GRANDMA: Sorry we're late. My grandson had a bit of an accident.

REECE: Stop embarrassing me.

GRANDMA: That word spells the. Do you know how to spell the?

REECE: Yes, I know how to spell it. T-E-H.


GIRL 1: Why are you even here?

GIRL 2: How rude.

GIRL 3: Yeah, why are you even here? Does Reece need help with his spelling?

GIRL 4: Stop being so rude. Reece is actually really intelligent.

TEACHER: Where did Reece's grandmother go?

GIRL 5: She went to get a book.

GRANDMA: Oh, look at this lovely book. Only $2.50-- that's a bargain. Excuse me. Anyone there? I'd like to buy this book. I don't feel so well.

GIRL 6: I told you I shrank.

End of transcript
