Clunes Public School - Murder in the Past

Duration: 3:31

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Transcript – Clunes Public School - Murder in the Past


TEACHER: No talking in my classroom. It is a silent room where we do tests. You are aware of this.


[knife sound]



No! Jamie's been murdered.

[suspenseful music]

DETECTIVE 1: Did I hear one of you folks say one of you got killed? Is that correct?

TEACHER: Yes, Mr. Detective. My student, Jamie, has just been murdered a few seconds ago.

DETECTIVE 2: I need everyone to the other side of the classroom while we examine the crime scene.

I can confirm the victim is dead.


DETECTIVE 1: Excuse us.

DETECTIVE 2: We've got detective business to attend to.

DETECTIVE 1: I think it's time for us to use--

DETECTIVE 2: Our sunlight-powered time travelling pen.

[knife sound]



TEACHER: All right. I know you might be scared, but you're about to go in and talk to these detectives, and you can't lie. I know you like to lie all the time. So don't lie. Get in there and tell the truth. All right, who's first?

DETECTIVE 2: And what is your name?

TYRAH: Tyrah Cameron.

DETECTIVE 2: Do you have relationships? If so, what are they?

TYRAH: Yeah. I was very close to him. We were really good friends. So I'm still a little bit emotional about it.

DETECTIVE 2: And your name is?

SHEN: Shen Wilson.

DETECTIVE 2: And do you know anyone that had any troubles with Jamie in the past?

SHEN: Seth. Seth and Jamie do not get along.

DETECTIVE 2: Write that down. Hm, you are free to go, ma'am. I don't need to know your name. I've been informed of it already. Now, I hear you know Jamie.

SETH: Um-- sure.

DETECTIVE 2: Do you like or dislike him?

SETH: Um, second option.

DETECTIVE 2: Why do you dislike him?

SETH: Because he stole my basketball.

DETECTIVE 2: Did you ever make up?

SETH: Um, [inaudible].

DETECTIVE 2: You're free to go. Name?

TATIANA: Tatiana.

DETECTIVE 2: Last name?

TATIANA: Falpool.

DETECTIVE 2: Now, do you know anyone who might have bad past with Jamie or know someone that has?

TATIANA: Emily Edwards.

DETECTIVE 2: You're free to go.

DETECTIVE 1: Hm, this case is very hard.

DETECTIVE 2: I know, right? I've got to go.

DETECTIVE 1: OK. Wait. You forgot your phone. [gasps]

GIRL: Oh, hi. Sorry, Emily. Oh, what was that about?

EMILY: You know too much.

TATIANA: I'm sorry.

EMILY: Time for you to see Jamie again.

GIRL: What? [screams]

End of transcript
