Corndale Public School - The Contest

Duration: 3:03

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Transcript – Corndale Public School - The Contest

[cheers and applause]

GIRL 1: Was that a chicken?

GIRL 2: Oh, my god. Hi, Mr. Einstein.

ALL: Can we host the competition?

MR. EINSTEIN: Sure. What's the competition about?

GIRL 1: Maths. (MUMBLES) Minecraft.

MR. EINSTEIN: OK, then. But before you guys go, I will be there at the Minecraft competition.

GIRL 3: OK, see you there. Those kids are done for. Minecraft competition is going to get them all in our tracks.

GIRL 2: Our evil plan is going to work. Tune in, everyone.

GIRL 4: We are hosting a Minecraft competition in 15 minutes.

GIRL 3: Who wants to join?




GIRL 4: OK, kids, come up here, and tell us your names. But you must have a Minecraft account.

GIRL 3: Or you can't join the competition.

JOHN CENA: John Cena.

DWAYNE JOHNSON: Dwayne Johnson.

BEYONCE: Beyoncé.

ED SHEERAN: Ed Sheeran.

[suspenseful stinger]

REPORTER: Breaking news. Four kids have disappeared today. Their names are Dwayne Johnson, Ed Sheeran, John Cena, and--


REPORTER: --Beyoncé. Here is what the school's principal members have to say.

PRINCIPAL: I don't know where they are, but the last time I saw them, they were in a--

PRINCIPAL ASSISTANT: The Minecraft competition!

REPORTER: We need to arrest the people behind this tragic incident.

PRINCIPAL ASSISTANT: If the children's parents find out, I'll get fired or, even worse, sued.

REPORTER: Poor children. We need to save them fast. Who knows what they could do to the kids?

[tense music]

BEYONCÉ: Oh, this looks easy. Oh, no, I'm dying!

DWAYNE JOHNSON: I guess it's only us.

JOHN CENA: Man, this looks hot.

DWAYNE JOHNSON: Come on, John, what are you waiting for?

ED SHEERAN: I'm leaving these losers behind. What's this? Look, I made it. Yay.

DWAYNE JOHNSON: Where are they?

JOHN CENA: Come on. We'd better catch Ed. Burn, dude.

REPORTER: Breaking news. We're about to catch the thieves.

[sirens blaring]

Let's catch these crooks. You have trapped them in that game.

GIRL 3: Ah! We can't be here. We're famous.

GIRL 1: I know.

REPORTER: Good morning, but bad news. Three kids have died and one in critical condition. Doc, what do you have to say about this?

DOCTOR: Yeah, I'm sad.

[crickets chirping]

End of transcript
